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Rev. bras. med. fam. comunidade ; 18(45): 1-14, 20230212.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, ColecionaSUS | ID: biblio-1511486


Introdução: A relação médico-paciente tem sido muito estudada ao longo dos anos e sua importância na prática médica é um consenso. No final do ano de 2019 o mundo começou a luta contra a pandemia causada pelo novo coronavírus. Os médicos de família e comunidade atuaram na linha de frente da pandemia. Objetivo: Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar as percepções dos médicos de família e comunidade na relação médico-paciente durante a pandemia da COVID-19. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo de análise do conteúdo das narrativas médicas, publicadas no blog "Causos Clínicos". O corpus de análise seguiu a metodologia proposta por Bardin. Resultados: Foram identificadas 42 narrativas com a temática de COVID-19 e relação médico-paciente. Após a análise de conteúdo, foram identificadas três categorias: emoções, contato físico e mudanças no sistema de saúde. Cada uma delas teve subcategorias específicas de acordo com as características das narrativas, podendo estar relacionada com "fortalezas e enfrentamentos": emoções conflituosas de saúde mental pessoais e também relacionadas ao papel social do médico; a necessidade do distanciamento social, reduzindo o contato físico; mudanças no sistema de saúde próprias desse período, como persistência de demandas clínicas e sociais, redução da disponibilidade de consultas presenciais e falta de insumos básicos de proteção; ou "barreiras e dificuldades": exercício da empatia; prática da escuta qualificada, do olhar atento e de habilidades de comunicação, além do uso da telemedicina. As informações obtidas na literatura corroboram os resultados encontrados nesta pesquisa. Quanto às limitações, este estudo contemplou apenas o olhar do médico e reuniu outras informações relevantes sobre a temática que não puderam ser incluídas nos resultados. Conclusões: De posse das informações obtidas neste trabalho foi possível concluir que de fato a relação médico-paciente sofreu alterações diante das variáveis identificadas, porém as narrativas revelam que mesmo em tempos de crise é possível estabelecer ligações significativas entre o médico e o paciente.

Introduction: The doctor-patient relationship (DPR) has been extensively studied over the years, and there is a consensus on its importance in medical practice. At the end of 2019, the world began to fight the pandemic caused by the new coronavirus, whose main form of transmission is direct contact between individuals. Transmission control measures were adopted, but they impacted the way DPR used to be. Family physicians, working in primary health care, served on the front lines of the pandemic. They are often committed to DPR, and some have written their pandemic narratives on the "Causos Clínicos" blog. Faced with this moment, the idea arose of scrutinizing the nuances of the DPR in the light of the narratives of those who lived this process on the front lines. Objective: This study aimed to analyze the perception of family physicians in the DPR during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: A qualitative study was conducted, where we evaluated medical narratives published on "Causos Clínicos" through content analysis. The corpus of analysis went through three stages: pre-analysis, analytical description and referential interpretation. Results: After the selection of the corpus, 42 narratives were considered for the analytical process, in which the codes identified were: "barriers and difficulties" and "strengths and confrontations". Some barriers were then detected, such as: conflicting emotions of personal mental health and also related to the physician's social role; the need for social distancing, reducing physical contact; and changes in the health system typical of this period, such as the persistence of clinical and social demands, reduced availability of face-to-face consultations and insufficient basic protection supplies. The ways of coping identified were: exercising empathy; qualified listening, attentive look and communication skills, in addition to the use of telemedicine. The information from the literature corroborates the results obtained in this study. As for the limitations, this study only looked at the physician's point of view and gathered other relevant information on the subject, which could not be included in the results. Conclusions: It is possible to say that the DPR changed during the pandemic, but the narratives show that even in times of crisis, it is possible to establish significant links between the doctor and the patient. These results may contribute as a coping measure for new public health crises in the future.

Introducción: La relación médico-paciente ha sido ampliamente comparada a lo largo de los años y su importancia dentro de la práctica médica es un consenso. A finales de 2019 comenzó la lucha contra la pandemia mundial por el nuevo coronavirus. Los médicos de familia y comunitarios estuvieron en la primera línea de la pandemia. Objetivo: Este estudio tiene como objetivo analizar las percepciones de los médicos familiares y comunitarios en la relación médico-paciente durante la pandemia de COVID-19. Métodos: Se trata de un estudio cualitativo de análisis de contenido de narrativas médicas, publicado en el blog "Causos Clínicos". El corpus de análisis propuesto es el propuesto por Bardin. Resultados: Se identificaron 42 narrativas con relación temática entre la COVID y la Relación Médico-Paciente. Tras el análisis de contenido, se identificaron 3 categorías: emociones, contacto y sistema de salud. Cada una de las tres categorías tuvo subcategorías específicas de acuerdo con las características de las narrativas, que pueden estar relacionadas con "fortalezas y confrontaciones": emociones conflictivas de salud mental personal y también relacionadas con el rol social del médico; la necesidad de distanciamiento social, hecho de contacto físico; dentro del sistema de salud de este período, como el mantenimiento de las necesidades clínicas y la reducción social en la disponibilidad de consultas presenciales y la falta de insumos básicos de protección; o barreras y dificultades: ejercicio de la empatía; práctica de escucha, ojo vigilante y habilidades de comunicación, además del uso de la telemedicina. Los resultados encontrados en la literatura corroboran los resultados encontrados en esta investigación. En cuanto a la información, este estudio contiene solo la opinión del médico y otra información relevante, que no se incluyeron en los resultados. Conclusiones: Es posible afirmar que la relación médico-paciente ha cambiado durante la pandemia, pero las narrativas muestran que incluso en tiempos de crisis es posible establecer conexiones significativas entre el médico y el paciente.

Humans , Physician-Patient Relations , Pandemics , Narrative Medicine
Rev. bras. med. fam. comunidade ; 18(45): 3848, 20230212.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1525899


Como a relação entre a Medicina de Família e Comunidade e o cuidado centrado no paciente pode ser ainda mais fortalecida através da medicina narrativa? Tal reflexão faz-se necessária, já que o modelo biomédico e o avanço tecnológico de exames de imagem excederam a importância das narrativas das pessoas doentes em cuidado. Usando também de metáfora, este trabalho desenvolve-se em torno do "concerto do corpo", comparando os três movimentos da medicina narrativa (atenção, representação e afiliação) aos três atos de um concerto musical. Rita Charon é a teórica principal. O objetivo é demonstrar como o elo entre a Medicina de Família e Comunidade e o cuidado centrado no paciente pode ser usado não só para questionar, mas também somar ao modelo biomédico; e, para isso, a ferramenta-chave desse elo foi a medicina narrativa.

How can the relationship between Family Practice and Patient-centered care be further strengthened through Narrative Medicine? Such reflection is necessary since the biomedical model and the technological advancement of imaging exams have exceeded the importance of the narratives of sick people in care. Also using a metaphor, this work was developed around the "body's concert", comparing the three movements of narrative medicine (attention, representation, and affiliation) to the three acts of a musical concert. Rita Charon is the main theorist. The aim was to demonstrate how the link between Family Practice and Patient-Centered Care can be used not only to question, but also to add to the biomedical model; and, for that, the key tool of this link was narrative medicine.

¿Cómo se puede fortalecer aún más la relación entre la Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria y la Atención Centrada en el Paciente a través de la Medicina Narrativa? Tal reflexión es necesaria ya que el modelo biomédico y el avance tecnológico de los exámenes de imagen han superado la importancia de las narrativas de las personas enfermas en el cuidado. También a través de una metáfora, este trabajo se desarrolla en torno al "concierto del cuerpo", comparando los tres movimientos de la medicina narrativa (atención, representación y filiación) con los tres actos de un concierto musical. Rita Charon es la teórica principal. El objetivo fue demostrar cómo el vínculo entre Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria y la Atención Centrada en el Paciente puede usarse no sólo para cuestionar, sino también para agregar al modelo biomédico; y, para ello, la herramienta clave de este vínculo fue la medicina narrativa.

Interface (Botucatu, Online) ; 27: e220467, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430611


Este ensaio almejou refletir sobre a relação entre medicina narrativa, redes sociais e humanização a partir da utilização, por um dos autores, das redes sociais para compartilhamentos de histórias vivenciadas no contexto da Atenção Primária à Saúde. Questões acerca dos modelos de atenção em saúde vigentes, da escuta e da narrativa como dispositivos de humanização do cuidado e da emergência das redes sociais como potencializadoras da prática de saúde humanizada surgiram como importantes pontos a serem analisados à luz da literatura vigente. Ao fim, foram compartilhados apontamentos para utilização da medicina narrativa como ferramenta para uma prática humanizadora.(AU)

Abstract This essay reflects on the relationship between narrative medicine, social media, and humanization based on the use of social media by one of the authors to share experiences in the context of primary health care. Questions about prevailing health care models, listening, and narrative as dispositives of the humanization of care and the emergence of social media as drivers of humanized health practices arose as important points that need to be analyzed in the light of current literature. In the conclusion we present some considerations relating to the use of narrative medicine as a tool for promoting humanizing practices.(AU)

Resumen El objetivo de este ensayo fue reflexionar sobre la relación entre la medicina narrativa, las redes sociales y la humanización, a partir de la utilización, por parte de uno de los autores, de las redes sociales para compartición de historias vividas en el contexto de la Atención Primaria de la Salud. Surgieron preguntas sobre los modelos de atención de salud vigentes, de la escucha y de la narrativa como dispositivos de humanización del cuidado y de la emergencia de las redes sociales como potenciadoras de la práctica de salud humanizada como puntos importantes a analizar a la luz de la literatura vigente. Al final, se compartieron observaciones para la utilización de la medicina narrativa como herramienta para una práctica humanizadora.(AU)

Interface (Botucatu, Online) ; 27: e220393, 2023. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448516


Resumo A comunicação, a despeito de ser considerada um aspecto primordial no exercício da prática médica, não ganhou tanta proeminência na literatura e formação médica quanto os aspectos tecnológicos e biomédicos. Em resposta a esse contexto, surgiram campos de conhecimento que se propõem a refletir e fortalecer aspectos da comunicação entre o médico e o paciente. No presente artigo, realizamos uma análise narrativa da literatura de três abordagens de comunicação em Saúde: Grupos Balint, Método Clínico Centrado na Pessoa e Medicina Baseada em Narrativa. Foram destacados aproximações e distanciamentos entre tais abordagens, com o reconhecimento da potência própria de cada uma delas nos diversos contextos da prática médica.

Resumen La comunicación, a pesar de considerarse un aspecto primordial en el ejercicio de la práctica médica, no obtuvo tanto destaque en la literatura y en la formación médica como el que tuvieron los aspectos tecnológicos y biomédicos. Como respuesta a ese contexto, surgieron campos de conocimiento cuya propuesta es reflejar y fortalecer aspectos de la comunicación entre el médico y el paciente. En este artículo, realizamos un análisis narrativo de la literatura de tres abordajes de comunicación en salud: Grupos Balint, Método Clínico Centrado en la Persona y Medicina Basada en la Narrativa. Se destacaron aproximaciones y distanciamientos entre tales abordajes, con el reconocimiento de la potencia propia de cada una de ellas en los diversos contextos de la práctica médica.

Abstract Communication, despite being considered a key aspect in medical practice, has not received the corresponding attention both on literature and medical training as has the technological and biomedical aspects. As a reaction to this context emerged fields of knowledge proposing to reflect and strengthen aspects of communication between the physician and the patient. In this article, we perform a narrative analysis of the literature of three of such approaches to communication in health: the Balint Groups, the Patient Centered Care and Narrative-Based Medicine. The study highlights the approximations and distances between these approaches, along with the recognition of the potency of each of them in the different contexts of medical practice.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 986-991, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005621


The application of the image theory of psychology to the modern doctor-patient relationship offers a new perspective and method for alleviating tensions between doctors and patients. In the construction of a doctor-patient community, doctors and patients must empathize and build a consensus based on empathy. From the perspective of constructivism, it is recommended that patients actively complete the process of "meaning construction" of disease cognition through "collaboration" and "dialogue" with doctors, so as to achieve the goal of shared decision-making between doctors and patients. Constructing a harmonious doctor-patient relationship requires putting patients in the center to create patient persona, taking narrative medicine as a bridge to listen to doctor-patient stories, and using multimedia as a platform to medical knowledge.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 1216-1219, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005583


In the context of a healthy China, strengthening humanistic literacy education for general medical students reflects the demands of the times, promotes the transformation of medical models, and has important practical significance in reducing the work burnout of general practitioners in practice. Integrating narrative medicine into general practice student education is conducive to implement the patient-centered concept of general practice, provide continuous and systematic medical services, and further improve the humanistic literacy of general practitioners. Based on these, this paper proposed the relevant paths of integrating narrative medicine into student education in general medicine, including changing educational concepts and integrating educational resources, boldly carrying out curriculum reforms and innovating educational methods, fully utilizing parallel medical records and reflective writing, as well as cultivating the habit of lifelong learning.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 1208-1215, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005582


【Objective:】 To understand the development of narrative medicine in medical schools and the cognitive level of narrative medicine among medical students. 【Methods:】 Taking 2,353 medical students nationwide as the research subjects, Knowledge, Attitude/Belief, Practice (KAP) questionnaire was distributed online to conduct a survey. The survey results were analyzed from the perspectives of general knowledge, ways to understand narrative medicine, and cognitive level of parallel medical records. 【Results:】 44.50% of the survey respondents had never learned about narrative medicine, and 50.79% of them had never heard of parallel medical records. 26.80% of the survey respondents had participated in the training of narrative medicine courses, while most medical students learned about narrative medicine through other ways. 【Conclusion:】 This paper showed that the majority of the survey respondents are not familiar with the key concepts of narrative medicine. By introducing the concept of big culture in anthropology into medical college education or exploring the perspective of doctor-patient interaction, integrating communication models to improve doctor-patient relationships. The current popularization level of parallel medical records and narrative types among medical students is not good, and the cultivation of cultural sensitivity and reflective ability may help promote the teaching and application of parallel medical records. Multiple learning pathways lay the foundation for further teaching, and build a diversified teaching system to enrich the course content, which should be the focus of promoting narrative medicine education in the future.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 1200-1207, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005581


【Objective:】 The co-word analysis method was used to analyze narrative medical literature studied in China in the past 10 years to explore the research status in this field and lay a foundation for further research. 【Methods:】 Using "narrative medicine" as the theme term, with the limited time interval of 2013—2022 to retrieve for relevant literature in CNKI, Wanfang, and VIP databases, and include literature that meets the research standards. Bicomb2 was used to perform keyword statistics and analysis on the downloaded literature. Ucinet6.0 and Netdraw were used to draw co-occurrence analysis graphs to visualize the co-occurrence relationship between high-frequency keywords. 【Results:】 A total of 565 papers were included and 31 high-frequency keywords were extracted. The co-occurrence relationship diagrams showed that the current research hotspots of narrative medicine in China include traditional Chinese medicine, nursing, general practice, evidence-based medicine, medical ethics, hospice care, chronic diseases, cancer and other popular disciplines and diseases. Most of them were about enhancing the empathy and humanistic caring ability of medical personnel and improving doctor-patient communication to improve the doctor-patient relationship, as well as doing well in medical humanities education and cultivating narrative ability through parallel medical records and reflective writing. The research on gerontology, improving the professional identity of medical staff, integrating literature and medicine, and the impact on patients were relatively few. 【Conclusion:】 At present, narrative medicine in China has achieved many achievements in fields such as nursing, traditional Chinese medicine, general practice medicine, chronic diseases, cancer, medical humanities education, and improving doctor-patient relationships. In the future, in-depth exploration can be conducted from the use of narrative medicine in multi-disciplinary and disease fields, trying different training methods, and synchronous cultivation of teachers and students, so as to build a more comprehensive narrative medicine system.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 1191-1199, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005580


【Objective:】 To explore the practice experience of narrative medicine among postgraduates majoring in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and its impact on their professional identity. 【Methods:】 A total of 56 first-year master’s and doctoral degree students majoring in TCM at a university were selected through purposive sampling for a 16-hour narrative medicine course training and 4 weeks of clinical practice in narrative medicine. They were asked to complete an open-ended writing assignment on their practical experience after this clinical practice. Subsequently, the topic analysis method in qualitative research was used to analyze their writing contents. 【Results:】 After learning narrative medicine, the students’ practical experience in clinical practice included 3 major themes and 9 sub-themes: wide application range (all diagnosis and treatment stages, multiple departments, and disease types), integration of multiple communication skills and diagnosis and treatment methods (communication skills, psychological techniques, reflection, and TCM humanistic diagnosis and treatment methods), and increasing professional identity (achieving mutual healing, building the harmonious doctor-patient relationship, and enhancing confidence in TCM). The themes were further integrated to form the relationship between the narrative medical practice cycle and professional identity, and presented in the form of charts. 【Conclusion:】 By exploring the narrative medical practice experience among TCM postgraduates, it was found that through the use of multiple methods and techniques in the entire diagnosis and treatment stage and multi-disciplinary diseases, it is possible to harmonize the doctor-patient relationship, achieve mutual healing, and enhance confidence in TCM. These internalized recognition and sense of achievement contributes to improving professional identity, which may provide new ideas for the development of professional identity for medical students in China and the exploration of the localization of narrative medical practice.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 1187-1190, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005579


Narrative medicine emphasizes paying attention to patients, and aims to improve doctors’ empathy for patients and their ability to reflect on their own medical behaviors by cultivating their narrative abilities of understanding, explanation, and feedback. Traditional Chinese medicine has always focused on people-oriented, syndrome differentiation and treatment, and focused on the physical and mental dual health of individuals. The medical humanistic spirit embodied by the two naturally coincides. From the perspective of narrative medicine, the ancient famous doctors in China have demonstrated their superb narrative ability of listening, communication, and reflection, which are valuable resources for narrative medicine and have important value and significance for enriching and developing narrative medicine.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 1180-1186, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005578


Starting from the inheritance and development of Chinese philosophy of life and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) wisdom through the Chinese narrative medicine practice, this paper discussed the inheritance and correspondence relationship between the text reading ability in Chinese narrative medicine practice and the "four diagnostic" in TCM wisdom, narrative regulation and the "mind-body philosophy" in TCM, as well as the narrative wisdom and the "Tao produces one" in the Chinese philosophy of life. By analyzing the stories of contemporary doctors’ practice of narrative wisdom, this paper clarified that the Chinese narrative medicine system is a new model of medical education and clinical practice constructed by absorbing the essence elements of Chinese traditional life wisdom and TCM culture, and integrating the concept of western narrative medicine. It advocated for Chinese scholars to actively build the discipline of "narrative traditional Chinese medicine", constantly translate and introduce the achievements to foreign countries, and create a good narrative ecology of TCM.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 78-82, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005485


Modern medical model advocates holistic medical treatment and holistic care, which transforms the concern about diseases in traditional medicine into the concern about people in modern medicine. Narrative medicine, as a tool for practicing holistic medical treatment and holistic care, runs through the whole process of patients’ entering medical procedures. It not only meets the needs of patients’ disease-related narratives, but also provides a new and more comprehensive way of communication for both doctors and patients, which is helpful to promote the comprehensive recovery of patients and the healthy development of doctor-patient relationship. At present, narrative medicine is facing some difficulties in the process of local practice in China. Social work, as one of the main bodies of multi-disciplinary and inter-professional cooperation in the medical field, can give full play to its professional advantages to help the new exploration of narrative medicine practice in China.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 74-77, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005484


After more than ten years of preliminary exploration, the localization development of narrative medicine has made some achievements in theoretical research, medical education and clinical practice, but its development direction and pathway still need to be further confirmed. From the five perspectives of policy system, management mechanism, cultural background, medical education and social development trends, this paper discussed systematically and macroscopically the localization development of narrative medicine, and advocated that improving the top-level design and local policies, constructing management systems at all levels, taking root in Chinese culture, carrying out systematic narrative education and closely integrating with the development trend, so as to inspire the theoretical construction of the development path of narrative medicine in China.

Chinese Journal of General Practitioners ; (6): 531-535, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-994740


In recent years, progress has been made in general practice education research with the integration of narrative medicine and general practice. The narrative medicine is conducive to upgrading the abilities of general practice residents in doctor-patient communication, disease management and clinical decision makings; it also conducive to improvement of their humanistic quality and doctor-patient relationship. This article reviews the application of narrative medicine in the general practice residency training, and discusses relevant problems and countermeasures.

Chinese Journal of General Practitioners ; (6): 325-329, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-994718


Narrative medicine provides a new perspective on medical humanity and clinical ethics. Recently, the research on narrative medicine in China has gradually developed, involving a wider range of applications, especially in patient health education. This article reviews the basic concept and process of narrative medicine,and its application and implication in patient health education, in order to provide reference of the relevant practice and research in this field for medical professionals.

Chinese Journal of Medical Education Research ; (12): 1201-1205, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-991501


Objective:To investigate the effect of narrative medicine teaching on the academic performance and empathy ability of clinical interns in department of thoracic surgery.Methods:A total of 74 interns in the department of thoracic surgery, with the "5+3" integration major of clinical medicine in Chongqing Medical University, were divided into observation group and control group, with 37 interns in each group. The interns in the control group received traditional teaching, and those in the observation group received narrative medicine teaching in addition to traditional teaching. The two groups were compared in terms of department examination score, level of humanistic concern, empathy level, ability to handle doctor-patient relationship, degree of satisfaction with teaching, discipline interest, and job intention after graduation. SPSS 21.0 was used to perform the t-test and chi-square test. Results:Compared with the control group, the observation group had significantly better theoretical score [(85.16±10.04) vs. (79.73±8.27)], operational skill score [(85.32±8.77) vs. (79.70±7.56)], level of humanistic concern [(3.78±0.95) vs. (3.24±1.04)], empathy scale score [(104.89±12.90) vs. (96.57±11.00)], results of the questionnaire on doctor-patient communication skills, confidence in professional practice, and doctor-patient orientation [(52.59±10.15) vs. (72.59±5.86)], degree of satisfaction with teaching (89.2% vs. 64.8% in the control group), discipline interest [(3.86±1.08) vs. (3.05±1.12)], and job intention after graduation (29.7% vs. 8.1%).Conclusion:Narrative medicine introduced into clinical practice teaching can improve the effectiveness of teaching, the empathy ability of students, and the degree of satisfaction with teaching.

Acta méd. colomb ; 47(3)July-Sept. 2022.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533441


The pursuit of an integrated health education has led higher education institutions to question themselves on the ideal training for medical students which would foster a real connection with their surroundings: "educate to learn to live in the world and with others, knowing that the other person is both the same and different from me, oriented towards the same end: the shaping of the human being and the social good."1 Treating complex topics such as the processes underlying immunity, genetic transcription and metabolic diseases, among others, presents significant academic challenges for teachers and students in the learning process. However, there is an equally relevant hidden curriculum which may warrant the use of unconventional epistemological tools such as music, and which may be a good complement for acquiring clinical and humanistic skills, notably the capacity to develop semiological abilities and the capacity to develop empathy in critical health situations. From this point of view, the rehumanization of medicine has become a primary requirement today. Below, we will discuss three complex health situations described in salsa songs which analyze the underlying human emotions, as an invitation to explore the hidden curriculum behind the objectively viewed disease. (Acta Med Colomb 2022; 47. DOI:

La búsqueda de una formación en salud integral ha llevado a que las instituciones de educación superior se cuestionen sobre la formación ideal que se debe brindar a los estudiantes de medicina en la que se fomente una conexión real con el entorno: "educar para aprender a vivir en el mundo y con el otro, a sabiendas de que el otro es una persona a la vez igual y diferente que yo, orientados a la misma finalidad: la conformación del ser humano y el bien social" 1. El abordaje de temas complejos como los procesos subyacentes a la inmunidad, la transcripción genética, las patologías metabólicas, entre otros, representan retos académicos importantes para los docentes y los estudiantes en el proceso del aprendizaje. Sin embargo, hay un currículo oculto que es igualmente relevante, y que puede ameritar el uso de herramientas epistemológicas no con vencionales, como la música, y que puede ser un buen complemento para adquirir las habilidades clínicas y humanísticas, entre las que destaca la capacidad de desarrollar habilidades semiológicas y la capacidad de desarrollar empatía frente a una situación crítica de salud. Desde este punto de vista, la rehumanización de la medicina se ha convertido en la actualidad en un requisito primordial. A continuación, se expondrán tres situaciones de salud complejas descritas en canciones de salsa, en las que se analiza las emociones humanas subyacentes, como una invitación a explorar el currículo oculto detrás de la enfermedad vista objetivamente. (Acta Med Colomb 2022; 47. DOI:

Rev. med. Chile ; 150(9): 1234-1238, sept. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431887


This work is a bibliographical review of the challenges of professionalism in medical training. Medicine practiced with narrative competence, called narrative medicine, is proposed as a model for humane and effective medical practice. By virtue of the changes in the practice of medicine during the last years, professionalism values emerge as qualities that should reshape medicine. Several medical associations are redefining professionalism and insist that this issue should be included in the training curriculum. Thus, several medical education institutions are pursuing strategies to teach and assess professionalism. Modeling is still relevant as a learning strategy, but it must be tutored and directed. Also, timely and formative feedback appears as the most frequently suggested evaluative action. Both processes incorporate a personal reflective practice. Several recent studies suggest that a reflective experience is relevant for the formation of a professional identity. Narrative Medicine methodology emerges as an innovative strategy to address this issue, as it seeks to deliver valuable learning experiences to the students through reflection and the search for a new paradigm for medical practice.

Humans , Students, Medical , Education, Medical , Education, Medical, Undergraduate/methods , Narrative Medicine , Professional Competence , Curriculum , Professionalism
Rev. APS ; 25(Supl. 2): 182-200, 16/08/2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1393287


Romper com o modelo biomédico é necessário, e o ponto inicial pode vir com a compreensão da narrativa do usuário ou da usuária. Este estudo buscou avaliar a compreensão de estudantes de medicina das narrativas de adoecimento, utilizando a entrevista McGillIllness Narrative Interview (MINI). Trata-se de estudo exploratório, descritivo e qualitativo, realizado durante cinco semanas com 11 estudantes do quinto ano de uma universidade privada, no internato de Medicina de Família e Comunidade, que prestavam atendimento a 29 pessoas usuárias de unidades de saúde. Por meio de encontros individuais on-line, foram levantadas questões sobre essa experiência. Os relatos foram inseridos em núcleos argumentais, o que possibilitou o estabelecimento de relações com o referencial teórico da Medicina Narrativa, da Antropologia Médica e da Clínica Ampliada. Para os alunos e alunas houve uma nova experiência de entrevista clínica, uma valorização da narrativa e o desejo de incorporar uma abordagem mais ampliada à sua prática, embora não contemplem incorporar o MINI na sua forma integral, atribuindo a isso dificuldades na rotina médica. Acreditamos que o MINI pode colaborar com a aquisição de competências interpretativa e narrativa em estudantes, embora o ensino esteja ainda, emparte, vinculado ao modelo biomédico.

It is essential to break with the biomedical model. The starting point for that can come from the understanding of patients' narratives. This study sought to evaluate medical students' comprehension of illness narratives using the McGill Illness Narrative Interview (MINI). This is an exploratory, descriptive, and qualitative study, carried out with 11 fifth-year students at a private university in the internship of Family and Community Medicine, for five weeks, involving the care of 29 patients in health units. Through individual online meetings, questions were raised about the experience.The reports were inserted into categories, which allowed us to establish relationships among the theoretical referential elements of Narrative Medicine, Medical Anthropology, and Expanded Clinic. It was a new experience of clinical interviews for the students, with a new appreciation of narratives and a desire to incorporate a more extended approach to their practice, although they do not contemplate incorporating the MINI in its full form due to difficulties in the physician's routine. We believe that MINI can collaborate with the acquisition of interpretative and narrative competence in students, although teaching is still partly linked to the biomedical model.

Humans , Students, Medical , Narrative Medicine , Internship and Residency , Medical History Taking/methods , Qualitative Research
Chinese Journal of Medical Education Research ; (12): 1543-1547, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-955709


Objective:To explore the effect of narrative medicine course on the empathy ability and comprehensive ability training of residents in the standardized residency training in municipal hospitals.Methods:A narrative medicine group was set up in a municipal hospital, and a anarrative medical course of 2 months of narrative theory teaching and 4 months of clinical practice education was carried out among 42 residents. The Chinese version of the Interpersonal Response Index Scale (IRI-C) was used to measure the empathy ability at 4 time points (before intervention, 2 months after theory education, 2 months after practice, and 4 months after practice). The effect of narrative medicine courses was evaluated through the satisfaction questionnaire survey, parallel medical record writing and the first-time pass rate of Medical Practitioner Qualification Examination. SPSS 25.0 was used to analyze the variance of one-way repeated measurement.Results:The empathy ability of 42 residents was significantly improved. The empathy score after 2 months after practice was higher than that before intervention and after the theoretical course ( P < 0.05), while the empathy score after 4 months of practice was higher than that before intervention and after the theoretical course ( P < 0.05). The most popular theoretical teaching forms among residents were interactive theoretical teaching (64.29%, 27/42), video viewing (59.52%, 25/42), and situational simulation (52.38%, 22/42). The comprehensive abilities of parallel medical record writing and podium performance among residents were improved. Passing the Medical Practitioner Qualification Examination is a necessary condition for passing the residency training program. The first-time pass rate of the Qualification Examination for the residents was 72.00% (18/25), which was higher than that of the residents who were not recruited during the same period (64.71%, 11/17). Conclusion:Carrying out narrative medicine education is helpful to improve the empathy ability and comprehensive ability of training residents in municipal hospitals.